Faries are very creative

They love to dress me up.

The doors to the spiritual events opened up to me. I was willing to follow the call (within) as I was stepping out in public. Physically I had no idea what that would look like and was not bothered diving into the emotions around the thought.

A deep breath drew my focus to questions like, what's next? Strange it was that suddenly, I desired to sew something to wear. If I only knew what. My next move was to a fabric shop.

I was searching, feeling which of the many fabrics in the shop would become highlighted. Following one’s call within differs from having a plan of what you will create.

Still unsure of the result of the collected items, my thoughts were busy figuring out. Fairies love colours. In fact, archangel Jophiel loves joining them to make sure one notices the beauty within the action, while and others see the beauty the fairies have created.

If you love standing out of the crowd, the faires are the ones to call.

Thank you for staying tuned ….

Regiena SteinComment