How do I notice a nature angel?

There are many ways of noticing Nature angels  —just a few to mention. You might have similar experiences.

One is the idea of planting plants or feeling the need to go into the garden, either your garden, a friend’s, or a public garden.

Butterflies are my favourite reminders of the nature angels. I recognize them mainly when I am not feeling high, and it is not evident which path or decision I should choose. These butterflies make me smile and remind me to follow a way that makes me smile and feel good.

It is wired and can be irritating. Sometimes, I feel thirsty around my house plants, and I am not sure why. I suddenly felt thirsty. I had the impulse to check the plants as I walked past them. Yes, they were scorched and needed water. So, since then, I have watered the plants as I feel the need for water even though I am not thirsty.

With plants in your house, you have an excellent chance to see a fairy flash pass in the corner of your eye. They are speedy, and it is a feeling of “you think you saw something fly and doubt it.” And your body assures you it was what you believed you saw.

To be drawn to them is another way to experience Nature angels. You can ask them if they will show themselves to you. My experience was that after I had asked them if I could see them, they made me go for a walk in the nature: forest fields of high grass. I cannot recall how long it was, but it quite a long time. Afterward, back home, I had the attention to draw something. It felt like a crowd had lined up, ready to be captured on paper.

I must say I am not the best drawer. The Nature angles made it extremely easy as each one gave me exact instructions on drawing the lines of their body shapes. Some of them seemed to be very picky about their look on the appearing paper. An interesting experience! I also felt I had a limited time frame, so I was drawing as fast as possible to get as many done as I could.

These are only a few examples to share with you. There are many more ways.

Let’s find out what they will share with us next month.

Stay tuned ………..what do you notice around plants?

See you soon.

Regiena SteinComment