What is Marama about?

What is Marama about?

Are you as excited as I am?

Please keep in mind this page, and any following ones on this website are channeled. The archangel is talking to YOU, not only to me.

…………. Whatever is happening on my inner film line is not guaranteed to be what the archangel Gabriel wants to convey.

From my experience with energy fields, the only important that plays a significant role is the message she wants to convey.

I am only the messenger. I hand over the words as I receive them, no more and no less.

We'll find out which one it is……. Allow yourself to feel each word as you read along.

What is Marama about?

It is about a toddler observing its growing up and exploring the world within and around it. The things it sees… the emotions it feels…. the flavors it tastes …. the sounds it hears …. the things it notices as wants….and the pictures it remembers.

Recognizing emotions… feelings… hurts… pain… laughter …. fear….interests… success…. somehow connected to its surroundings and happenings.

She is observing the world from impressions of adventures while growing up, noticing the differences between what is expected and what feels right to her.

Sharing one's understanding in the only way it knows; everything is out of a point of view it believes its truth to be.

Following the call within as well as “one” possible could, with as much trust as it can. Step by step, walking towards a world one is about to discover.

Facing the reality of emotional expressions created by the circumstances, situations, words, and the examples of lives surrounding all experiences. One believes it is the truth without a doubt.

What is your truth? How does your world express itself to you? Does the life you are living resonate with your inner truth?

Stay tuned …………see you next month.

Regiena SteinComment