Dreams - Nightmares


Nightmares were terrifying for me. As a toddler, I had tons of nightmares. These were so real that it had been challenging to understand if I was sleeping or dreaming. I always needed to run fast. I court myself running away from something or someone.

Sometimes I had the sensation of running from both. I didn't know who I was running from or what. I used to be desperate and terrified, always afraid to be hurt or killed. Other times, I saw myself running through the eyes of an observer, watching myself run fearfully.

I would run on the roads at a late hour. There were no people to see in my dreams, only darkness, dark roads, dark areas, dark empty buildings, and stairs. Tons of stairs going up and closed doors.

Every night, I tried to flee. I was running as fast as I could. On one occasion, I ran so quickly that I felt my physical legs move fast in my bed, making me open my eyes and lift back the blanket. To my surprise, my legs were physically running, and at that instant, I thought how it was possible before they stopped running. My body was always sweaty once I awoke from a nightmare.

If you've had an experience like this or similar, or you know someone who did, mention it. Find others that have similar or the same experience. Learn more about it rather than trying to shut it out of your life, which you cannot. You will be surprised how much you can learn about yourself.

If you have nobody to speak to about paranormal phenomena, you are heartily welcome to share your story with me. I would love to listen to your story.